(IDE)Ingenierķa de equipos        (IDE)Equipment Engineering (IDE)Ingegneria Delle Apparecchiature    
My name is Jorge Alberto Vega.
I have more than 40 years of experience in the industry. I began my professional career at the now defunct Chemical Company where I went through all the stages that a process engineer can experience, namely:
- Feasibility study for the construction of a new plant.
- Obtaining information for its implementation.
- Design and implementation of pilot plants to optimize the equipment involved.
- Study and selection of the implantation site.
- Monitoring construction, testing and commissioning.
I learned everything thanks to my first boss (a professional of Austrian origin, with a degree in chemical and mechanical engineering). In addition to everything related to processes (thermal calculation of exchangers, distillation towers, filters and separators), I saw with him everything related to pressure vessels, equipment and metal structures, calculations that we did for industrial boiler workshops. If you can read me from wherever you are, know Dr. Alfredo Mendl that I will be eternally grateful.
Lately I'm also doing:
Stress analysis of pipelines and equipment calculations for the gas transportation industry.
Verification, design and calculation of gas compression, measurement and regulation plants.
Evaluation of structural integrity and suitability for service of pressure vessels, heat exchangers and equipment in general.
Structural calculation of steel frame and reinforced concrete.
From the Equipment Engineering (IDE) site you can see in more detail what other things I can do.

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    (IDE)Ingenierķa de equipos        (IDE)Equipment Engineering (IDE)Ingegneria Delle Apparecchiature    
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