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Air-cooler calculation program
This is the spreadsheet developed by us that we used in our beginnings for the design and calculation of this equipment. Today we do it with internationally recognized programs.
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1 - Constructive dates and vessel sketch



2 - Design data
    P, Pd, Design Pressure, int/ext, [psi]= 127,62   15,00
      8,97 kg/cm²   1,05 kg/cm²
    Td/Tm, Design Temperature/Minimum, [°F]= 500   150
      260,0 °C   65,6 °C
    CA, corr., [in]= 0,063    
    Dn tubes, [in]= 1    
    BWG= 10    
    Fins thickness [in]= 0,015    
    Fins OD [in]= 2,25    
    Pitch, [finss/in]= 10    
    N° of rows= 6    
    N° of tubes= 204    
    Length of tubes [in]= 118    

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