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DEMO data sheets:
This is a data sheets list which you can download, use and distribute freely. If you want, you can subscribe to all the data files (those shown here and those which figure at "Data sheets to suscribe") paying a minimum and unique maintenance fee.

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Pipes characteristics

With this file you can obtain the principal characteristics of the pipes from 1 to 24 inches. We must enter the nominal diameter and the SCH of the pipe; then we will have the external diameter, internal diameter, thickness, weight by unit of length, passage area and more. It can be entered diverse materials.

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Bolt dimensions

This file presents the main bolt dimensions up to 3 inches of nominal diameter. We can see the std and the 8NPT bolts .

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ASME VIII quick reference

This file of quick reference allows us to obtain the sections of the Code ASME VIII Div1 which talk about certain components of pressure vessels; these you point with the mouse. It has complementary references about materials and required tests.

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Preliminary Selection of Centrifugal Pumps

With this file you can obtain the preliminary selection for a process pump, entering the design flow and head. You will also obtain the pump estimated power and the necessary torque.

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Assemblies of heat-and-tube exchangers

With this file you can see all the possible assemblies of shell-and-tube exchanger according the type designations of TEMA.

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Seams joints eficciencies and radiographic examinations.

With this file you can get seams joints eficciencies and radiographic examinations for a pressure vesssel according ASME VIII Div.1.

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