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Shell and heads thickness calculation

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With this spreadsheet we can calculate the required thickness, by internal and external pressure, of shells and heads according to ASME VIII Div1.

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Stresses in cylindrical shell

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The stresses in cylindrical shell due to loads over several areas of attachments (also irregular form area), can be calculated. The WRC bulletin 107 is the based used method. Also, it's applied an empirical method, involved several factors, in order to take into consideration the effect of local stiffness provided by the attachment.

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Stresses in spherical shell

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The stresses in spherical shell due to attachments loads , rectangular and squares (hollow or solid), can be calculated. The calculation basis is the WRC bulletin N° 107. An empiric method is also added in which are involved several factors that take in account the effect of the located rigidity in the associate accessories.

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Flanges Calculation

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All the types of flanges, according to ASME and TEMA, can be calculated using any gasket type and face. The flange can be optimized to reduce its cost. The calculation can also verify an existent flange for any preset conditions.

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Stresses at saddles in horizontal vessels

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  The located stresses in horizontal vessels supported by saddles, can be calculated. This program uses the Zick calculation method.

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API tanks calculation

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Spreadsheet for design and analysis of welded steel tank calculates the shell of stock tanks according to API standard 650. Includes pressure, elevated temperature, variable point analysis and bottom, roof and structural supports design.
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