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Towers calculation program
This is part of the spreadsheet developed by us that we used in our beginnings for the design and calculation of this equipment. Today we do it with internationally recognized programs.
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1 - Constructive dates and vessel sketch
Sec Component

Pr dis

T dis












1 Head 220   13800 5,5 1 0,0625
  Course1 220 100 13800   1 0,0625
2         5,5    
  Course2 220 100 13800   1 0,0625
3         5,5    
  Course3 220 100 13800   1 0,0625
4         5,5    
  Course4 220 100 13800   1 0,0625
5         5,5    
  Course5 220 100 13800   1 0,0625
6         5,5    
  Course6 231,9 100 13800   1 0,0625
7         5,5    
  Head 231,9 100 13800   1 0,0625
8 Skirt 0 0 13800 11,05 0,8 0,0625



2 - Design data
  P, Design Pressure, [psi]= 400    
  Td, Design Temperature, [°F]= 700    
  Head & shell materials SA515,55    
  Sd, allowable stress, [psi] 13800 ASME II Sec. D  
  Sa, amb. allowable stress, [psi] 13800 ASME II Sec. D  
2.1 - Minimun design temperature
  The following ones are the minimum design temperatures accepted for
  the Code (for which it is not necessary to carry out impact test).
  They are obtained with the calculated thickness values and the calculate
  For the shell:   T [in] Stress [psi]  
  Min temp.at Sa (Fig UCS-66), [° F] -20 0,875    
  Min. temp. at P(Fig UCS-66.1), [° F] -20   10744  
  First head:        
  Min temp.at Sa (Fig UCS-66), [° F] -20 0,875    
  Min. temp. at P(Fig UCS-66.1), [° F] -20   10509  
  Second head:        
  Min temp.at Sa (Fig UCS-66), [° F] -20 0,875    
  Min. temp. at P(Fig UCS-66.1), [° F] -20   10509  



  3 - Shell calculation

E, Joint efficiency= 0,85


T', suggested thickness, [in.]= 0,875


T, adopted thickness, [in.]= 0,875

  3.1 - Thickness calculation (internal pressure):
  =(P*(D/2+CA)/(S*E-0.6*P)) por UG-27 (c)(1)
  Required thickness by design pressure, [in] = 0,7445
  Required thickness with corrosion, [in] = 0,8070
  3.2 - M.A.W.P. calculation:
  =(S*E*(T-CA))/((D/2+CA)+0.6*(T-CA)) por UG-27 (c)(1)
  M.A.W.P, corrosion condition, [psi] = 435,50
  Input design pressure, [psi] = 400,00
  M.A.W.P., new and cold condition:  
  =(SA*E*T)/((D/2)+0.6*(T)) por UG-27 (c)(1)  
  M.A.W.P., new and cold (70 °F), [psi] = 481,70
  Hydrotest Pressure Based on MAWP, per UG-99 (b), [psi] = 670,00
  Stress at corroded thickness and design pressure, [psi] = 10744



3.5-Thickness calculation (wind)
All the thickness in [in]:
tr1=q1/Sa/E+CA= windward required thickness
tr2=q2/Sa/E+CA= leeward required thickness
tr3=required thickness by pressure (See equation 3.1)
tr= required thickness (the bigger of tr1, tr2 or tr3)
ta= adopted thickness
          tr1 tr2 tr3   tr   ta
    Section Component                
    1 Head   -------- -------- 0,5894   0,5894   5/8
      Course1       0,5937   0,5936   5/8
    2     0,3383 0,1013          
      Course2       0,5937   0,5936   5/8
    3     0,3998 0,1870          
      Course3       0,5937   0,5936   5/8
    4     0,5104 0,3217          
      Course4       0,5937   0,6647   3/4
    5     0,6648 0,5019          
      Course5       0,5937   0,8583   7/8
    6     0,8584 0,7230          
      Course6       0,6228   1,0948   1 1/8
    7     1,0949 0,9870          
      Head   -------- -------- 0,6288   0,6288   1 1/8
          1= 1,2181         *
    8 Skirt 3= 0,2945 0,4125 =2   1,2180   1 1/4
Skirt required thickness:     * It not equal to adopted int. pres. thickness=0,6250
1=(lw+ld)/Sa/E+CA) in skirt-shell union      
2=(lw+ld)/Sa/E+CA) at base      
3=(lw-ld)/Sa/E+CA) at base      

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