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Tubing data

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With this file we can obtain the main dimensions of tubing from 1/4 to 3 inches. We must enter the nominal diameter and the BWG; then we will have the external diameter, internal diameter, thickness, weight by unit of length, passage area and more.

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Vertical vessel volume

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With this file gives the partial volumes of vertical tanks; we must enter the diameter, height and the selected gage scale. We can use plane, spherical, semi-elliptical or F&D heads.

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Meter tube lengths

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This file will give us the minimum meter tube lengths (length of pipe preceding and following an orifice).

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With this file we can obtain the preliminary dimensions for a cyclone gas and powder separator in function of the flow of gas to treat.

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With this file we can obtain the shear, moment and deflection at several cantilever disposition.
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