With this file
you can obtain the minimum necessary projections for
connections from 1 to 24 inches. We should enter the
nominal diameter, the rating of the flange and thickness
of insulation (if any) and the pad thickness. The
projection corresponding to connections WN and SO are
shown .
With this file we can obtain the approximate weights
of WN oppenings in vessels. We should enter the rating
and the diameter of the oppening whose weights we want to
know The weights of oppenings can be obtained with and
without blind flange. |
With this file we can obtain
the flow of water through a hole made in a pipe that is
exposed to the atmosphere. Entering the internal diameter
of the pipe and the diameter of the hole will be shown a
chart of height Vs flow of water, according to the
required scale. |
With this file we can obtain the flow of water
through a pipe open to the atmosphere. Entering the
diameter of the pipe, it will show us the flow of water
in function of the longitude reached by the spout of
water in the point where the height of the same one is
equal to 1 ft. |
This file gives us the chart of flow of water in
function of the loss of pressure through a tube venturi.
We should enter the diameter of the pipe, the diameter of
the venturi throat and the required differential for the
scale of pressure droop. |
With this file we can obtain the approximate
dimensions, according to catalogs of the main
manufacturers, of different types of valves. The rating
and the diameter of the valve whose dimension requires
should enter. |
With this spreadsheet we can obtain the properties
(moment of inertia, section modulus, radius of gyration
and area) of various cross sections. |
With this spreadsheet we can obtain the dimensions of
several B16.9 Fittings (Straight Cross, Straight Tee,
Reducing Tee, etc.) |
a mail indicating us the spreadsheet that you need,
and we will make it for you.