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Dimensions of flanges

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With this file we can obtain the principal dimensions of the flanges. We must enter the nominal diameter and the class of the flange; then we will have the external diameter, internal diameter, thickness, number and dimensions bolts. The dimensions of the WN , SO, Blind and LWN flanges are indicated.

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Partial volumes of horizontal tanks

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With this file we will can obtain the partial volumes of a horizontal tank; we must enter the diameter, length and the selected gage scale. We can use plane, spherical, semi-elliptical or F&D heads.

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Typical pipe diameter

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This file allows us to determine the typical internal diameter for a pipe according at a design flowrate; we must enter the flow and the density of the fluid under the design conditions. It is based on the use of the speeds limits given by diverse authors.

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Semi-elliptic 2:1 heads

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With this file we will be able to obtain all the characteristics of the semi-elliptic 2:1 heads based on data of major manufacturers.
These heads take the internal as nominal diameter. Nevertheless, the file allows the use of the external diameter as date.

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F&D heads

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With this file we will be able to obtain all the characteristics of the F&D heads based on data of major manufacturers.
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